Thursday 30 September 2010

Digital art

It's great when something or someone kick-starts your brain into remembering something that happened a while back.
And so I was talking the other day to my good friend and photographer Keith Curtis about post-photo processing and photographers who specialise in this, when we both recalled the time Keith hosted and I modelled for a brilliant Photoshop tutorial day with demonstrations by the very talented Vincent O Byrne, more than two years ago.
I emailed Vinnie not thinking he'd remember me but miraculously he had finished the image, turned it into a digital masterpiece and posted it to me this evening, after all this time.
Well he's captured me in a light I couldn't possibly disagree with of course! A floating angel, feather wings with an illuminated halo.. a symbol of light and peace in a stormy world.
Ah, to live in dreamland!

1 comment:


    Tad "JTK.CA" NudistPoet
    Guelph, Ontario, Canada
