Saturday 2 January 2010

Hello, year of my marriage

Happy new year to you all!
Because it's the start of a new decade, (or maybe that's next year, but hey don't spoil my opening line) I have a new look.
The hair. It's always the hair. Extensions are gone and I asked my hairdresser to up the peroxide so it's now all choppy, just past my shoulders and white. I can't decide whether to go 100% Lady Gaga and have a fringe cut in too. I might.. or I might just buy one of those fringe pieces you clip in whenever you want.

Here are my new year's resolutions for 2010. I find if I write stuff down, I can't run away from it and say, 'well I never said that!' a few months down the line.

  • Work on some digital art with Rebecca Parker in Wales -
  • Work in Ireland
  • Work in India (with Ajit Letap?)
  • Print off new portfolio / book
  • Be accepted into a London modelling agency
  • REALLY work on getting rid of those dark circles under my eyes - find miracle product / buy an insane amount of cucumber!
  • Drink 8 tall glasses of water a day and make a note of it (as I'm never going to get enough sleep lol)
  • Maintain regular (but not daily) workouts
  • Continue swimming regularly
  • Get a part-time job in a photography/camera shop for extra cash
  • Get canvas-selling business set up and on the road
  • Back up ALL hard disc drives literally every week or set it up to do this automatically - I learnt the hard way :(
  • Get married *girly squee*
  • Get driving - pass test
  • Buy an artist's easel and take up painting / drawing again as a full-time hobby
  • Make TIME for this hobby
  • Get entire hallway and living room finished by the end of 2010
It would also be cool to work with Stefano Brunesci, ( John Barone, ( do some fashion with Wayne Johns ( and work in Hong Kong with Teddy So at Studio T (

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