Wednesday 6 April 2011

Art Érotique

One of my absolute favourite genres of modelling, if not my favourite is erotica. Most of my inspiration comes from other erotic artists, not forgetting unconventional sources like Burlesque shows, risqué music videos and the Madonna SEX book. But the list is endless.
When people ask me what erotica is from a photographic point of view, my answer is simple - sexually suggestive art nude. But there is a whole lot more to it than that. Erotica is a work of art, including literature, photography, film, sculpture and painting, that deals substantively with sexually stimulating or arousing descriptions.
So how this is different to pornography first of all depends on your definition of pornography, but the term 'erotica' is a modern word that describes the portrayal of the human anatomy and sexuality with high-art aspirations, differentiating such work from commercial pornography.
Erotica should arouse a quick, intense emotional reaction, whereas pornography's objective is the graphic depiction of sexually explicit scenes.
Where a photographer's concerned, lighting used plays a huge part in the differentiation, and a model's expression will undoubtedly switch the style dramatically.

So based on this, photographer Mark Holmes (no website as yet) and I worked on a series of shots on January 5th in Brighton using light, shadows, props and made-up naughty storylines. We actually spent the first half an hour 'playing' scrabble. (Just rearranging the board to get the letters right, to relieve all those worried faces!)
I had shot with Mark before at my home; he is a lovely guy - have since done a shoot with him very recently in London, so there will be more pictures from us to come soon.

"Porn is just a picture; it takes well-conceived erotica to tell a story."












  1. Ahhh thank you so much Guy :) I shall follow :)

  2. I love the scrabble set, very provocative.

  3. Yey thanks Dani, I wasn't sure if it was portfolio material lol, but I definitely had to put it in my blog here.
    Sorry again that I couldn't finalise the studio day at the weekend, but hope to see you soon :)
